Arctic Mission Outreach Trust Fund

Arctic Stock -

Profile of the Ministry

Arctic Mission Outreach Trust Fund was founded by veteran aviator missionary John Spillenaar, and his wife Tyyne. Their ministry has been to the Native people in the Canadian North since his call to "Go north and preach the gospel" in 1936. In 1950 they started the Northland Mission work. Since that time the Spillenaars have founded two more ministries to the north, the latest of which is the Arctic Mission Outreach Trust Fund. The ministry has been directly or indirectly involved in the building of 18 churches in the Arctic over the years.

Key People

Founder: Rev. John Spillenaar
Director: Rev. Burton Kewayosh
President: Rev. David C. Ellyatt

An Interdenominational Ministry

The support for "Arctic Mission " comes from private donations and churches from many different denominations and backgrounds, all wanting to invest in the Kingdom of God and the proclamation of the Gospel in the Arctic.

The ministry fulfills the call to plant churches and raise up Pastors in the North.

A Registered Charity

AMOTF is a registered charity and all donations will be issued a receipt for tax purposes. The Ministry is under the covering of a National Church Fellowship. Information on the charities governing documents and finances are registered with Revenue Canada.

Click here to view History in the Making.